Adverse Action Notices

Our background screening system lets you easily manage the "adverse action" process required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which promotes accuracy and fairness with employment consumer reports. If you decide on an "adverse action" such as denying a job application, reassigning or terminating an employee based in whole or in part on a consumer report (i.e., background check), you must follow the procedures laid out by the FCRA, which allows the individual an opportunity to seek a reinvestigation of the background check results.

Pre-Adverse Action Procedures
Before taking an "adverse action", you must notify the individual with a pre-adverse action letter, which includes a copy of the individual's consumer report and a copy of a document called "A Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA." You can use Corra Group's platform to send the pre-adverse action letter to your candidate. You can easily attach a compliant pre-adverse action letter to a copy of the background check as well as a copy of the summary of the rights.

Adverse Action Procedures
After the applicant has received adequate time to request a reinvestigation, you must notify the individual again after you have taken the Adverse Action (denying application, termination, etc). You can use Corra Group's platform to send an Adverse Action letter to your candidate.
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To learn more how Corra can help you with your background screening needs, please contact us at or call us at 310.524.9800. We can customize any background search to meet your unique needs. We offer volume pricing, no signup fees, and no minimum orders.